Refund / Cancellation Policy

All refunds will be made only through e-transfer, no exceptions.

100% refund will be made if the entire tournament is cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances.

Processing fee of $5 (2024 fee) will be applied to all following refunds.

100% refund minus processing fee will be made if another team, paying the tournament fee, will take the place of the team that is dropping out the tournament.

If we are not able to find another team, paying the tournament fee, to take the place of the team that is dropping out the tournament then the following rules will be applied to all refund requests, no exceptions:

  • 100% minus processing fee will be refund if the refund request is made 3 months before the tournament.
  • 90% minus processing fee will be refund if the refund request is made 2 months before the tournament.
  • 80% minus processing fee will be refund if the refund request is made 1 month before the tournament.
  • NO REFUND will be made if the refund request is made within 30 days prior to the tournament.

In all cases we always encourage teams that are requesting a refund to try to find another team that would like to take their spot, that will help them to get almost a 100% refund.

For example, Tournament Fee is $500, the tournament date is July 25th:

  • Case 1: Due to unforeseen circumstances the tournament is cancelled then all teams registered will receive a refund of $500 each team.
  • Case 2: A team is dropping out the tournament and request a refund, regardless when the request was made, but we are able to find another team to take its place then ($500 – $5) a refund of $495 will be processed.
  • Case 3: A team is dropping out the tournament and request the refund before or on April 25th (3 months prior the tournament) then 100% rule apply ($500 – $5), a refund of $495 will be processed.
  • Case 4: A team is dropping out the tournament and request the refund between April 26th and May 25th (2 months prior the tournament) then 90% rule apply ($500 – $50 – $5) , a refund of $445 will be processed.
  • Case 5: A team is dropping out the tournament and request the refund between May 26th and June 25th (1 months prior to the tournament) then 80% rule apply ($500 – $100 – $5), a refund of $395 will be processed.
  • Case 6: A team is dropping out the tournament and request the refund between June 26th and July 24th (within 30 days prior to the tournament) then NO REFUND will be processed.